Reviews for "Extraordinary Means" by Robyn Schneider

Amanda Ichikawa (September 6, 2018)

Title and Author of the Book: Extraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider

Plot Overview: Extraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider is about a place called Latham House located in a small town in California. Latham House was a boarding school turned into a sanatorium for teens because of the spread of Total Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (TDR-TB). Two characters, Lane and Sadie, narrate the book. Sadie and Lane didn’t meet at Latham House thought their past starts somewhere else.

Critique: The most compelling aspect of the book is how Lane and Sadie’s relationship develops. I was not disappointed by this book.

Cover Critique: The cover does reflect what goes on in the book, just a bit.

Star Rating: 5/5

This book is one of my favorites. It is a sad book.

Additional comments: This book is not sci-if. It is young adult with some tragedy. TDR-TB is total drug resistant tuberculosis. The title plays in towards the end of the book when extraordinary means have to be taken. On the cover the background is the night sky. In Latham House Lane and Sadie have a curfew but they break it to be together. Also on the cover it says, “Life goes on until it doesn’t” and that plays into the book because all the teenagers there are sick. They won’t all live until there is a cure.