Reviews for "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card

Janani Sriram (September 11, 2017)

Title and Author: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Plot Overview: A young boy, Andrew "Ender" Wiggins learned how to stand up for himself and make his own decisions as he went through Battle and Command School. By showing his independence and his ability to make his own decisions, Ender proved to be a capable leader during the war against the buggers and was eventually a role model for many of his classmates. Through a third person's eyes, Card showed the perspectives of Ender and other commanders and teachers and was able to prove that perseverance is a large motivational factor in success.

Critique: I most liked Ender's character throughout the book. When he was a young child, Ender had been bullied endlessly, and after arriving at Battle School, he was doomed to a very similar fate. Instead of accepting the fate that may have been set out for him, Ender chose to change his life path and think for himself. Instead of blindly following orders, he made the conscious decision to do what he felt best, and though sometimes his decisions failed, his perseverance to be his own master led him on the path of being a good leader for others as well. His teachers at Battle and Command School may have thought of his actions as insubordination, but Ender proved that it takes perseverance and skill to become a commander or a leader, not just dominance over others. Card helped the reader see that only people who have the courage to do what is right, even if it goes against what another higher authority may say, will truly succeed in life.

Cover Critique: The cover also adds the feeling of mystery and adventure to the novel, which sets the stage for Ender to enter and change history with his courage.

Star Rating: I personally felt that this book was a wonderful work of Card's, and it inspired many to stand up for what's right and to go against any wrongdoings, like Ender's perseverance to prove himself to others and make his mark. I would give this book full ratings, and I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes science fiction novels!