Reviews for "Batgirl: Volume 1: Batgirl of Burnside" by Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr, and Maris Wicks

Grace Zhou (May 13, 2018)

Plot Overview: Barbara Gordon has moved out of Gotham and into Burnside. She tries to live college life peacefully until she learns that Burnside needs her help and she dawns a new cape, with new gadgets, and new crew. Batgirl starts solving crimes but the recognition begins to get to her head and as a new enemy comes to town, another Batgirl.

Critique: It's hard to define a compelling aspect because everything was good. I enjoyed the dynamics between Barbara, Batgirl, Black Canary, and the new crime fighters added to the scene. The whole book was gorgeously drawn with bright colors and a youthful vibe. The story also had a new villain which was another Batgirl and it was really fun to guess as to who it was. Everything was well paced and the story is a fun roller coaster ride of a read. No disappointments!

Cover: I think the cover represents where the new legacy of Batgirl has moved and where her story will grow but the cover looks like two different artists drew the cover and inside.

Star Rating: 5/5