Reviews for "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry" by Neil deGrasse Tyson

Kathryn Kennedy (March 22, 2018)

Plot Overview: Neil DeGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist known for his television series Cosmos and other famous works made for the general public, brings this obscure science to life for people who don’t have time to get a degree or take a class in the subject! Chapters range from dark matter and dark energy to general relativity and the history of astrophysics. NDT structures the short novel by the birth and aging of the universe, beginning with the Big Bang.

Critique: The most compelling aspect of this book is definitely the author’s voice. He makes the subject matter light and easy to learn with his narration and he adds in analogies and nerdy jokes that help information stick. And wow, it is a TON of information! I had no idea there were so many concepts that connect and expand the science of astrophysics. To be honest, I’ve never read a science nonfiction book like this one, and I was surprised at how simple he made certain concepts (yes, I know, he was definitely dumbing down the subject matter).

There was very little to be disappointed about in this book. At times I was lost when he used science vocabulary that I was unfamiliar with, but all I had to do was google a quick definition and I was good to keep reading!

Cover: I love the cover! The Milky Way is beautiful and this is the reason I pick up the book in the first place. Also, it’s very small so it’s easy to tote around.

Star Rating: 4.5/5 stars

From Ms. Yang: He has a lot of entertaining videos on YouTube too!