Reviews for "Amulet: Supernova" by Kazu Kibushi (Graphic Novel)

Grace Zhou (May 1, 2019)

Title: Amulet: Supernova

Written and drawn by: Kazu Kibushi

Plot Overview: In the ninth installment of the Amulet series, Emily is lost in the stone while the rebels make some risky moves. Navin rises in the military ranks and is sent off into space while Trellis begins to take steps back into being king. But will Emily end the reign of the Amulet possessed Elf King or will she watch her land fall victim to the monstrous Shadows first?

Critique: This was probably my least favorite in the series so far. Kibushi had first wanted to limit the series to nine books, but it seems to be extended and although this book leaks (spoiler) Emily’s future self it is not to exciting. It reiterates the alien Shadow threat and Emily’s possessed phase feels a bit rushed. Everything about the series seems to be falling into place though and Navin’s pilot arc is very interesting and enjoyable.

Cover Critique: I think the cover represents the story well and is a nice break from the other dark toned covers.

Rating: 3.5/5 - This book kind of felt like a filler, but still progressed the story and is a good read.