Reviews for "Amelia Westlake Was Never Here" by Erin Gough

Jessica Lin (December 25, 2018)

Title and Author of the Book: Amelia Westlake Was Never Here by Erin Gough

Plot Overview (from Amazon): A fiercely funny, queer romantic comedy about two girls who can't stand each other, but join forces in a grand feminist plan to expose harassment and inequality at their elite private school. Harriet Price is the perfect student: smart, dutiful, over-achieving. Will Everhart is a troublemaker who's never met an injustice she didn't fight. When their swim coach's inappropriate behavior is swept under the rug, the unlikely duo reluctantly team up to expose his misdeeds, pulling provocative pranks and creating the instantly legendary Amelia Westlake--an imaginary student who helps right the many wrongs of their privileged institution. But as tensions burn throughout their school--who is Amelia Westlake?--and between Harriet and Will, how long can they keep their secret? How far will they go to make a difference? And when will they realize they're falling for each other?

Critique: My favorite character was Harriet because I liked her character development throughout the story. In the beginning she is super uptight and wants to maintain her perfect reputation, but after she joins Will in creating Amelia Westlake, she is able to relax a little and speak her true opinions. Her decision at the end really shows how much she has changed throughout the story. I don’t think I would change anything about the book and overall I was satisfied with the way it was written. I like how the author wrote the story from the point of view of both girls. I also enjoyed the story and I thought the plot was unique and interesting.

Cover Critique: The cover drew me to the book because it was relevant to the story but didn’t give away the plot of the story. It also made me interested in finding out what the book was about.

Recommendation: If you would like to read about the adventures of 2 high school girls as they stand up for what they believe is right, then this book is a great book to read. I would definitely check out another book by this author.

Star rating: 4/5