Reviews for "Alive (Generations Trilogy #1)" by Scott Sigler

Alexa Ma (December 10, 2017)

Title and Author: Alive (Generations Trilogy #1) by Scott Sigler

Plot Overview: A teenage girl wakes up to find herself trapped in a coffin. She has no idea who she is, where she is, or how she got there. After fighting her way out, she finds only a room lined with caskets and a handful of survivors who are as confused as she is. Beyond their room lies a corridor filled with bones and dust, but no people and no answers.

She knows only one thing about herself - her name, M. Savage, which was engraved on the foot of her coffin. She takes on a leadership position and finds herself in charge of her fellow survivors and gains their trust. Whatever the truth is, she is determined to find it and confront it, while making sure that all of them survive.

Critique: The most compelling part of this book was the mystery aspect of it and how it depicted something similar to a voyage of discovery yet a desperate effort to overcome darkness and discover truth. To be honest, I was afraid to do a review on this book because I thought I might accidentally spoil part of it. This book didn't really have any disappointments.

Cover Critique: The cover of this book is pretty simple and doesn't reveal much; it shows the main character's face covered by blue shading.

Star Rating: 4.5/5