Seward Public Schools

Message From Dr. Fields:

Thank you for taking the time to review our Annual Report for the 2022-2023 academic year. Seward is proud to be a destination school district as it serves 1,500 students PK-12th grade. We are very proud of the many accomplishments our students have achieved during the 2022-2023 school year. Dedicated staff, strong parent support, and community outreach has allowed Seward Public Schools to continue its tradition of excellence.

Our District Strategic Plan is in year five of the five-year plan. Our main focus this year will be the creation of our new district strategic plan and site plans along with finishing our current strategic plan. This extensive process of developing our new plan includes school board members, staff, parents, and community members. This focus on our district and site plans takes Seward Public Schools to the next level year after year.  We believe that if we aren’t improving, we are falling behind. This growth mindset has allowed the district to meet the needs of our students and be progressive in developing district-wide systems such as Professional Learning Communities, Curriculum Development, Early Childhood Programs, and Career Academies to name a few. This dedication to teaching and learning is best shown through the “Excellent” rating by the Nebraska Department of Education for six years in a row. Seward is one of only two class A and B school districts in the state of Nebraska to receive the “Excellent” classification rating for the past six years. 

Through this report one will see that progress has been made in terms of state testing results, yet, that isn’t the only measure used to determine success.  We also use the graduation rate, college-going rate, course offerings, career exploration, and survey data. We also want students to experience the fine arts, vocational programs, technology, sports, speech, drama, and so forth.  We want Seward High School graduates to be well-rounded, critical-thinking, hard-working people. 

Those interested in knowing more information about our school district may review our district profile at    More information is also available on our district website at