
Useful reference pages and databases

Artstor - collection of digital images from museums, photo archives, and other sources.

Britannica School and Escolar Encyclopedias - includes articles, images, videos, magazines, websites, and primary sources/e-books.

Congressional Digest Debates Online - Cultural information for over 200 countries..

CultureGrams - Cultural information for over 200 countries.

Discovery Education - collection of educational videos, images, and audio files.

Gale Resources (Infotrac) - includes Student Resources in Context, Opposing Viewpoints, Science in Context, Artemis/LRC, Informe, and GVRL.

Grey House Publishing - History

JSTOR - digital library of academic journals

Library Links for Education - Infotrac and other online resources through the Peninsula Library System.

Today's New York Times

New York Times archives, 1851 – present.

New York Times - Times Machine

ProQuest - mutidisciplinary resource with a variety of content formats including scholarly journals, video and audio, dissertation and theses, magazines, books, and newspapers.

SIRS Issues Researcher - Pro/con articles.

Salem Press - Health, History, Literature, and Science - provides information about authors, book readings, book guides, vocabulary lists, and author interviews.

Thank you to the M-A Foundation for the Future for providing ARTSTOR, Congressional Digest, Discovery Education, JSTOR, and Salem Press Online Reference.

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