Standards-Based Grading

We have a shared vision that every student will master essential learning standards. Students in grades PK-3 grade will have a Standards-Based Report card every nine weeks. This type of evaluation of student learning greatly benefits our students by clearly measuring their proficiency on defined essential standards in each core content area. 

Educational research shows that when teachers measure students’ learning based on standards and not just a numerical or letter grade, then the ability for teachers to target specific areas of student strength and need is much more easily identified. Traditional grading systems are based on an average, which sometimes does not make clear to students and their families exactly what students have mastered or are still working on. 

The PK-3 SISD Report Cards are on a standards-based continuum, meaning that progress is reported on the knowledge and skills your child is expected to master at each grade level. The continuum is based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and ranges from Developing toward Standard to Meets Standard. 

Performance Level DS (Developing toward Standard)—Exhibits skill/concept with direct guidance 

Performance Level AS (Approaching Standard)—Exhibits skill/concept with minimal guidance 

Performance Level MS (Meets Standard)—Exhibits mastery of skill/concept 

It’s important to remember that children reach academic and social milestones at many different stages throughout the school year. The standards-based report card will give students and their families a much clearer picture of where student strengths and areas for growth are throughout the school year. Teachers are using rubrics every nine weeks to measure student mastery of each essential standard. 

Please use the arrows to learn about standards based grading in Sealy ISD.

Parent Brochure

Folleto para padres

_Standards-based grading Parent Brochure.docx (3).pdf
Spanish version of Standards-based grading Parent Brochure.docx (2).pdf