
Our partnerships and collaboration are strategic alliances between us that are intended to achieve greater impact than our organization could generate on its own.

What is a partnership alliance to us?
  • achieve greater leverage among stakeholders (e.g. build awareness or advocacy)
  • address complex issues that require coordinating multiple stakeholders
  • provide an integrated continuum of services to meet beneficiaries' needs
  • strengthen or expand program or service quality and performance
  • gain back-office or administrative efficiencies
  • achieve greater economies of program scale

Services for Employers

Looking to Hire Qualified Staff? Need Help.

The subsidy is 50% of the hourly wage for up to 16 weeks.

If you operate a business in Ontario, the YMCA-YWCA Employment Access Centres can assist in the recruitment, training and retention of your employees.

More info ....

Ottawa Biosphere-EcoCity



CFIB: The big voice for small business

SMARTNet alliance

To Accelerate the Transition to Canada’s Sustainable Economy