Engaging Our Families with the

English Learner Roadmap

Families play a crucial role in the success of their children’s academics. Ensuring they are informed about the English Learner Roadmap will serve as an important bridge to foster stronger school relationships, personal investment, and robust implementation of the English Learner Roadmap. In this session, district and/or site personnel will be prepared to deliver English Learner Roadmap workshops to their families so they are:

• Familiar with the English Learner Roadmap context, policy, and principles

• Poised to understand their role in effective implementation of the English Learner Roadmap at their child’s school

All print and media resources will be provided so district and/or site personnel are able to empower families to support schools in centralizing the needs of English Learners.

Webinar Resources

Click to access the resources below


Learn more about the english learner roadmap