
Honoring Our Sponsors

Without corporate sponsorship we wouldn't be able to provide the level of training and life-changing experiences that we are able to share with our sea cadets.  We celebrate their generosity and humbly expect every contribution they have made to American Victory Division of Tampa Bay.

Thank you!

American Victory Division Sea Cadets Tampa Odessa Post 147 Legion Navy League

POST 152 - Tampa     TAMPA BAY

BecomE a Sponsor

It would be an honor for your company or organization to become a sponsor and support the mission of our unit.  We can't wait to celebrate our partnership and have the ability to improve our unit due to your generosity.

Thank you for your consideration!

100% of all donations go directly to benefit the cadets program   -   All adult staff of the American Victory Division are volunteers

Our Information

Tax ID / EIN


Contact Person

PAO INST Mohini Durgampudi

your sPONSORSHIP help these programs

Program Scholarships

Anyone can help an economically disadvantaged youth join our program by contributing to a Cadet Scholarship ($250/cadet).  Additionally, each of these cadets desires to graduate from a summer or winter boot camp where they gather with other new cadets from around the country to learn customs and courtesies from volunteer officers for an experience like no other ($150/cadet).


Each month our officers plan a weekend of training for our cadets and strive for excellence in every training.  This requires administrative and logistical supplies afforded by the unit from medical and tactical gear to office equipment.  Specialized training also requires certain fees such as Boater's Licenses, Scuba Diving, and First Aid/CPR Certifications.  Your donations contribute to the ongoing education of these incredible youth through the purchasing of such supplies and training.