Easement Rights is a right which the owner/occupier of a certain land possesses, as such, for the beneficial enjoyment of that land, to do and continue to do something or to prevent and continue to prevent -something being done, in or upon, or in respect of, certain other land not his own.

Eaves Board   are the part of a roof that extends beyond the side of the building cover. 

Eccentric Load  is the offset loading of the column. It will be towards the right or left corner of the column, someway from the centre. 

Electrical Layouts  Electrical plans are a descriptive blueprint of the electrical circuits and their properties. It is a technical drawing that visually represents all the electrical appliances used in a structure. It is a collective group of blueprints that represent the respective layout such as :

i) Electrical socket Layout

ii) Electrical fixture Layout

iii) Electrical trunking Layout

iv) Low Voltage Layout/ LV

v) False ceiling Layout


i) Earthmoving Equipment

These equipment are generally heavy duty machines or equipment used in earthwork construction.

a)Backhoe loader  b)Excavator c)Dump truck d)Track loader e)Trenching Machine f)Bulldozer

ii) Earth Levelling and Compacting Equipment

a)Scrapers b)Smooth Wheeled Rollers  c)Sheep Foot Rollers

iii)Hauling Equipment


A dump truck is used for transporting materials (such as dirt, gravel, or demolition waste) for construction. A typical dump truck is equipped with an open-box bed, which is hinged at the rear and equipped with hydraulic rams to lift the front, allowing the material in the bed to be deposited ("dumped") on the ground behind the truck at the site of delivery.

iv)Hoisting Equipment

a)Gantry Crane b)Crawler Crane c)Hydraulic Crane d)Tower Crane e)Derrick Crane 

f)Self-raising Tower Crane

iv)Mixing Equipment

a)Batch Mixing Plant b)Ready Mix Concrete/RMC

v)Transferring Equipment

a)Portable Mini Conveyor b)Belt Conveyor c)Ariel Conveyor

Estimation  is the process of figuring out how much a structure, building, or project is likely to cost before it is built. Estimation involves computing the approximate cost of the project using drawings, various information, data and unit rates. 


Ferrocement Wall is a composite material composed of cement mortar and a closely spaced, evenly distributed, multi-layered grid of reinforcement such as steel mesh or metal rods.

These walls are typically thin, yet strong and durable due to the reinforcement within the cement matrix. Ferrocement walls offer several advantages such as high strength-to-weight ratio, crack resistance, and the ability to be molded into complex shapes. They are often used in areas prone to seismic activity or where corrosion resistance is necessary, as the steel reinforcement provides added structural integrity and durability.

Fire escape stair & Refuge floor  

Fire escape

A fire escape stair, also known simply as a fire escape, is a dedicated stairwell or series of stairs designed specifically for safe evacuation during emergencies, such as fires. These stairs typically provide a means of egress from upper floors to ground level or to a designated safe area.

Fire escape stairs must adhere to building codes and regulations to ensure their structural integrity and functionality during emergencies. They are often constructed from fire-resistant materials and may be enclosed to protect occupants from smoke and flames. Additionally, they may feature handrails, non-slip treads, and sufficient width to accommodate the expected flow of people during evacuation.

Refugee floor

A refuge floor, also referred to as a refuge area or refuge floor landing, is a designated level within a building where occupants can seek temporary shelter during emergencies, particularly fires. These floors are strategically located along fire escape routes.
Refuge floors must be easily accessible from fire escape stairs and have adequate space to accommodate occupants. They are often equipped with fire alarms, emergency lighting, and communication systems to assist rescue operations. Additionally, refuge floors may contain fire-rated materials and features to prevent the spread of fire and smoke.

Flat Slab  is a two-way reinforced concrete slab that usually does not have beams and girders, and the loads are transferred directly to the supporting concrete columns. The flat plate is a two-way reinforced concrete framing system utilizing a slab of uniform thickness, the simplest of structural shapes. The flat slab is a two-way reinforced structural system that includes either drop panels or column capitals at columns to resist heavier loads and thus permit longer spans.

Flat Terrace   is a level outdoor space that is typically attached to a building or structure. This area is identified by its flat or gently sloping surface and is frequently used for a variety of purposes, including recreational activities, outdoor seating, gardening. Flat terraces can be located on the ground level or on rooftops and are commonly used in both residential and commercial buildings. 

Floating column   is also known as a hanging column, they rest vertically on the beam and prevent the transfer of load directly to the foundation thus leaving a lot of room on the base that can be utilized as parking in residential buildings. That means a floating column is not starting from the ground from a footing. 

Floor Space Index/ FSI  is the maximum permissible floor area which can be constructed on a given plot of land.

FSI = Total Floor Area of all Floors of the Building/Plot area x 100

Flying Buttresses  is a specific form of buttress composed of an arch that extends from the upper portion of a wall to a pier of great mass in order to convey to the ground the lateral forces that push a wall outwards, which are forces that arise from vaulted ceilings of stone and from wind loading on roofs. 

Form Vibrator  is also known as external or shutter vibrators. They are connected to the formwork and vibrations are induced in the formwork which inturn vibrate the inner concrete. It is used to compact the surface of precast concrete as well as the freshly poured concrete. It is used to ensure that pour is free of air bubbles and is even.


Girder  are large horizontal beams that act as the primary support for a building, to which all other smaller beams are connected, forming the structure's “skeleton.” 

Good for Construction Drawings/GFC   is a validation given by the relevant internal/consulting authority that a given document/ drawing is reviewed and approved to proceed for the construction. 

Green Field Project   is one that lacks constraints imposed by prior work, where there is no need to work within the constraints of existing buildings or infrastructure . 


Hacking/Tacha is the process of making the surface rough before plastering for better bonding of mortar with R.C.C. structure.

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning/ HVAC   is one the considerations for MEP systems of the building. It aims to provide comfortable, safe indoor air quality in a building. 

High Tension Cables  are cables carry current from the power plant to the step-down transformer. A high tension wire has a low resistance and large surface area. Instead of making a single thick wire of low resistance, it is made by twisting together a number of thin wires insulated from each other so as to provide a large surface area so that it can radiate heat more easily. 

Holdfast  is a temporary clamp used to place a door/ window frame in place and anchor it to the side wall.  

Honeycomb  is a rough and stony surface that appears on concrete when there are air voids between the course and the aggregate.