Approval Drawings

These include drawings that are reviewed by competent authorities-in-charge (municipal authorities, civic bodies) to scrutinise whether the proposal complies with rules and regulations as prescribed within the byelaws.

As-Built Drawings

As-built drawings are updated sets of drawings that a contractor submits after the project is finished. They offer an accurate picture of the finished project and take into account all changes and revisions made during the construction process.


Bi-Level Switches 

Single phased system

Three phased system

Busbar system

Lux / Level


BMS- Building management system 


Timber joist at the bases of the beams to strengthen them. 


Brown Field Project

Brownfield project means land that has been used previously but is lying vacant or unused now. This land could have been contaminated by industrial waste or hazardous waste or might have suspected oil contamination.  

Building Bye Laws 

Building bye-laws are rules defined to regulate coverage, height, building mass, architectural design and construction aspects of buildings to achieve orderly development of an area.

BMS- Building management system

Built-Up Area 

Built-Up Area is carpet area plus the area under the walls, and other inaccessible sections of the built form such as dry balcony, terrace, flower beds, etc. 


Base Plate

The base plate acts as an interface between the superstructure and the foundation 



Camber is known as having a slight arc or bend induced in a beam.

Carpet Area

The term "carpet area" refers to the total amount of usable space in an apartment that is not included in the external wall, service, shaft, or balcony sections. It also covers the portion of the apartment's interior partition walls. 

Casing Capping 

Casing and capping is a method where PVC insulated wires are placed in plastic casings and covered with a PVC cap. The casing and capping system is suitably used for household wiring, wire distribution, protection to other wiring systems, in offices, and in electrical devices with low voltage use. 

Centre Line 

A centre line marks the centre of a column. A centerline plan is composed of a grid of such comparable lines for several columns. Centerline diagrams make it easier to comprehend the precise location of a column on the construction site. 


A chhajja is an overhanging eave or roof.

Commencement Certificate

This is a legal document issued by the local authority to authorise the developer/builder to start the construction of the project. 

Completion Certificate

A building completion certificate is a legal document issued by the Building Development Department attesting to the fact that the new structure has been constructed and finished in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Development Control Rules. 


A tube or trough for protecting electric wiring which are arranged while casting slab.


Coping in construction means covering the exposed top of the roof or wall with a layer of stone, bricks, terracotta, or concrete. Generally, Coping keep the building safe from seepage of water during rainfall and bad weather conditions. 


Couplers are used to replace traditional rebar lap connections in reinforced concrete constructions. 

Cover Block 

A centre line marks the centre of a column. A centerline plan is composed of a grid of such comparable lines for several columns. Centerline diagrams make it easier to comprehend the precise location of a column on the construction site. 



A datum point in construction is a recognised point of reference from which additional measurements can be set out from. The point may be established using a benchmark, an existing structure, or the finished floor level.

Development Control Rules/ DCR

The Development Control Rules (DCR) control urbanisation and effective development and the welfare of the city. By taking into account public good, these rules assist in putting a plan-led system into place. DCR provides general guidelines for the public's essential needs, such as health, safety, convenience, economy, and amenity. 

Diagrid Slab

A diagrid (a portmanteau of diagonal grid) is a framework of diagonally intersecting metal, concrete, or wooden beams that is used in the construction of buildings and roofs. 

Distribution Board 

A distribution board or distribution panel (DP) is an important part of an electricity supply system, its job is to split an incoming electrical power feed into multiple secondary or subsidiary circuit in a building floorwise. 


Drop Panel

Drop panels are the rectangular portion provided above the column and below the slab in order to restrict slab from getting sheared and undergo rupture. Drop panel increases the contact surface area between the column and slab, which will enable a better distribution of load from slab to column. Thus, it will reduce the chance of slab failure due to unbalanced moments.

Drop Slab with Cinder Filling

In bathrooms, toilets, and laundry rooms where pipes or drainage systems are installed, a sunken slab or sunk slab is installed below the regular floor level.