Classroom Policy


It is important that you have your Math Folder and fully charged Chromebook with you at the start of every math class period.  We will be working with them daily. I also suggest that you have some blank lined paper,  a couple of pencils, red pen, color pencils, scientific calculator (not graphing), and a ruler  (6 inches is fine) with you as well. We will be using graph paper (1/4 inch) and a protractor later in the year. I will let you know when you may want to have those available. Some students also like having a highlighter and small post it notes. Staying organized will help you feel more comfortable as we work through class each day. 

Classroom Rules

1) Be punctual

2) Be respectful

3) Be prepared

4) Keep class free from distractions.

Google Meet Expectations (if applicable...hopefully we won't need this)

1) Turn camera on 

2) Turn microphone on mute until it is time for you to talk

3) Keep the comments in the "chat" feature classroom appropriate and on topic

4) Actively participate in class discussions and break out groups

5) Be aware of your surroundings and keep them distraction free as much as possible. Place your phone out of reach so it is not a distraction.

6) Come to class dressed appropriately





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