NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

Black Hills Applied Ceramic Engineering  (BACE)

Ceramics are used in many industries and various applications that range from thermal insulators for spacecraft to more practical applications like bricks for building foundations. The Black Hills Applied Ceramic Engineering (BACE) REU Site will focus on ceramics from a holistic perspective, to encompass the archeological, cultural, and technical understanding and utility of ceramic materials.  The BACE REU Site will establish an immersive educational and research experience for students from diverse backgrounds in cutting-edge projects that are tied to both the local geology, ceramic science/engineering, and culture. The program provides unique research opportunities from cultural heritage science to mineral processing to advance materials formulation, manufacturing, and performance. The team consists of a consortium of collaborative mentors from the Rosebud Sioux Tribe as well as multiple departments at South Dakota Mines. 

Program Description

• 10 Week Summer Program

• $7,000 stipend

• $3,850 Housing Stipend

• Seminars and Workshops

• Indigenous Guest Speakers

• Geology & Ceramic Training

• Field Studies in the Badlands

Research Project Topics

Ceramic Armor

Ceramic 3D Printing

Mineral Processing

Protective ceramic coatings

Extreme ceramic materials

Archeology of Lakota Tribal Objects

Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate

The program will offer a wide range of workplace training consisting of BACE topics, technical communication, and professional development. The BACE developmental components include a trip to Badlands National Park and the Red Cloud Heritage Center located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. A range of research opportunities and analytical methods will be integrated including materials characterization, testing, and development related to ceramics. The summer will culminate in students leverage their new technical communication skills and research experiences by presenting a poster at the annual South Dakota EPSCoR Research Symposium.

Dr. Katrina J. Donovan

Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering

Tel: (605) 394-2696


Dr. Sarah Keenan

Department of Geology and Geological Engineering

Tel: (605) 394-5163


This REU site (Award) is jointly funded by the Department of Defense in partnership with the Division of Earth Sciences (Directorate for Geosciences), the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), and the Division of Engineering Education and Centers (Directorate for Engineering).  https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2349313&HistoricalAwards=false