On the occasion of the celebration of the bicentenary of the Don Bosco's Dream at nine years of age. 

What is the Salesian Youth Synod? The inspiration and the motivation
Don Bosco was a great dreamer. He dreamed during the day, with his eyes open, like all prophets who see far and look into the future with hope. Beginning with the dream at the age of 9, he had glimpsed his future mission as a priest and educator. Dreams that were miraculously realized with the help of Providence, the Salesians and many benefactors who have always supported and continue to support his works. 

The Synod is an experience of prayer, common life and reflection that has as inspiration the dream of Don Bosco at the age of nine on the occasion of its 200th anniversary and its continuing relevance.  In this way, we Salesians want to contribute to the synodality of the Church. 

“Dreams are important. They keep our gaze wide, they help us to embrace the horizon, to cultivate hope in every daily action. And the dreams of young people are the most important of all… Of course, dreams must be made to grow, they must be purified, put to the test and they must also be shared. But have you ever wondered where your dreams come from?" (Pope Francis, Dialogue with young people at the Circus Maximus, 11 August 2018).  

Expected fruits and horizons 

Synod means “to walk together”. For this reason, we want the Youth Synod to be an itinerary, a journey that we undertake together with young people to appreciate and deepen Don Bosco's dream at the age of nine, to rediscover its meaning for spirituality, discernment and the fulfillment of one's vocation of young people and to motivate Salesians to accompany young people in the realization of their dreams. 

We think it is an impulse - and even a greater leap - towards a greater co-responsibility of young people in educative-pastoral processes. It implies the direct involvement and more intense participation of young people, taking seriously the voice of young people as active and responsible protagonists and focusing attention on young people who are "discarded" or at risk of social exclusion. 

It is to take root in our dreams by listening to the true protagonist (the Holy Spirit) so that hopes and expectations can turn into reality, imbued with the hope of transforming our world. 


A maximum of 2 young people per province (of SDB and FMA) actively involved in pastoral animation at local and provincial levels and in the activities of the SYM will be invited. From 18 years of age (less than 30).  

2 SDBs and 2 FMAs per Region. 


VALDOCCO - Maria Ausiliatrice
Via Maria Ausiliatrice 32, 10152 Torino

La Basilica Maria Ausiliatrice è il gioiello di Valdocco. E, da qui, la nostra comunità religiosa salesiana continua a raccontare la bellezza del carisma che abbiamo ricevuto da Don Bosco, rendendo questi luoghi sempre più idonei per i cammini formativi per l’intera famiglia salesiana.

Frazione Morialdo, 30,
14022 Castelnuovo Don Bosco (AT)

Il Colle Don Bosco è una località di Morialdo, frazione di Castelnuovo Don Bosco, paese in provincia di Asti, dov'è nato san Giovanni Bosco e nella quale si trovano gli edifici ricchi di testimonianze della sua presenza (Centro storico e Basilica) e della sua opera di apostolato a favore della gioventù