ELA 6th Grade

Mrs. Kincanon

Welcome STARS!

Welcome to 6th Grade at Westchester Middle School!

Dear Kinco Stars (that’s you) and Star Families,

Welcome to a new and exciting school year! I am your 6th grade Reading/LA teacher, Mrs. Kincanon. We are going to have a fantastically fun and successful year! We will read many exciting books and write thoughtful essays. We will do a lot of work but we will also learn so much and have fun! I expect excellence from my students at ALL times and I know you are capable of that. With my hard work and yours, we are going to have a fabulous year!

Thank you for being a STAR!

Mrs. Kincanon


(708) 450-2735

Grading Scale:

  • 70% Assessments

  • 30% Classwork

Please go to your google classroom for all materials and information needed.