Mrs. Buxcey's Class Website!


       Weekly Hilites & Reminders 

🌟 Letters and forms for our 3 "June Field Trips" were sent home...Thank you for returning them along with the fees...🌞

🌟 Field Trip #3 is this Tuesday, June 25th! 🚌 🎳

🌟 Return your signed "Early Dismissal Form" for Thursday's finale! 

🙂For the Week of June 24th ~ 27th...

Language Arts 

🌟Vocabulary Development Unit

🍎Vocabulary #5  & 6 ~ Booklet Work will begin on Monday the 17th 

Due: Monday the 24th



🌟Circle Graphs

🍎*Aim to finish your "old school" circle graph for your survey results in class on Monday the 24th 


🌟Evolution & Archaeology Unit

🍎The 13.8 Billion Year History of the Earth *access the graphic organizer and video links via Google Classroom ~ we started this task last Tuesday in class. Part 1 and Part 2 Notes...Due: Monday, June 24th


🌟"Les Vêtements et Les Couleurs" unit 

🍎We continued working on this unit last week. All booklet work was Due: mercredi le 19 juin 


BRAVO :) 😃 

From Mr. Winkler, your Social Studies Teacher...


Steps to Signing into your Google Drive/Classroom from your Home Computer:

Step 1: Go to and click "Sign in" at the top right of the screen. It will direct you to put in your username and password


*Your username is: (For example, if your student # is 111222 your username would be:

*Your password sequence is: "day of your birthday" followed by the letters "st" and "last 3 digits of your student # (For example, if your student number is: 111222 and your birthday is November 25, your password would be: 25st222)

Step 2: Click your "waffle" and then drop down and click to either your "School Gmail" or "Classroom" icon to check for postings...either one will direct you to the Google Classroom :)