
*This site is still under construction. If you encounter any links that do not work or conflicting information, please reach out to Mr. Wallace at*

Thanks to generous donations from Vic High alums, community members and businesses, and the continued efforts of the Vic High Alumni Association, we are proud to present over $50,000 in scholarships and bursaries to Vic High graduates every year. In addition to these opportunities, Vic High grads are eligible to apply for School District, Ministry, and community scholarships. 

In total, last year's grads won over $315,000 in local, provincial, and national scholarships. 56 different graduating students were awarded 100 different scholarships valued between $250 and $120,000.

Everything you need to know about scholarship opportunities and applications can be found here.

Mr. Wallace is the Vic High Scholarship Coordinator. Please see him in room 308, or email him at with any scholarship-related questions.