Viewing Assignments

Students with individual accounts can see their current, overdue, and completed assignments for the classes they are enrolled in.

To view their assignments, students can:

  1. Log in with their individual accounts and click Dashboard.

  2. Click the Assignments icon.

Any overdue assignments will appear at the top of the list. Current assignments will appear below them. Students can click Completed Assignments to view all their finished assignments. Students can click an assignment's title to navigate to the assignment and complete it.

Completing an Assignment

Once a student selects any assignment on the list, they are brought to the assignment landing page. Here the student can see the items that are a part of the assignment. By clicking the Go button on any of the items, they can load up the feature and complete the assigned work.

When a student selects an item to work on, they'll navigate to the assignment page. From there, they can click Show Details to expand a "drawer" that shows each part of the assignment, and navigate between the different parts as they're ready. Once a portion of the assignment is finished, a green 'Done' notification will appear at the top of the section.

Moving Assignments to 'Done'

Once an assignment is completed in its entirety, it will automatically move to done. That said, sometimes teachers might give an assignment where students do not have to complete all the parts (i.e. an extra credit activity).

In this case, a student may be done with an assignment without having completed everything, and it will remain on the student’s Assignment page. Students can manually clear the assignment off of their dashboard by clicking Mark as Done. The assignment will be moved into the Completed Assignments page.