Erickson Elementary

School Hours

Grades 1-5: 8:40 am - 3:30 pm Monday through Friday 

Kindergarten AM: 8:40 am - 11:30 am Monday through Friday 

Kindergarten PM: 12:40 am - 3:30 pm Monday through Friday 

Preschool AM: 8:50 am - 11:20 am Monday through Friday 

Preschool PM: 12:50 am - 3:20 pm Monday through Friday

Lunch/Recess Hour

 Grades 1, 2 and 3: Lunch: 12:00-12:25, Recess: 12:25-12:50

 Grade 4 and 5: Recess: 12:00-12:25, Lunch: 12:25-12:50

Your lunch time will be for 50 minutes. For half of this time, you will be in the gym eating your lunch. For the other half, you will be at recess. Erickson does not have a hot lunch program. Students should bring a lunch to school . The PTO does offer special hot lunch days throughout the school year. Food delivery services are not permitted.

Office Hours/Phone

8:00 am - 4:00 pm


Office Staff

Stacy Johnston (Principal)

Angel Frattinger (Assistant Principal)

Jill Mastrodomenico (Secretary)

Cheryl Kiple (Secretary)

LeAnn Hartnett & Kassandra Lethert (Nurses)

Arrival Procedures

Car Riders: 

Cars enter the north parking lot from Springfield Drive. Utilize the loop.

Dismissal Procedures

Car Riders: 

Cars enter the north parking lot from Springfield Drive. Utilize the loop.

Dismissal Pick-Up Changes

The parent is requested to inform the school of any changes in the pick-up procedure for a child. A note (email or handwritten) should be sent to the school a day before or the morning of by 9:00 am indicating the anticipated change. Please do not send time sensitive emails to staff regarding dismissal changes. If making a last minute change regarding the dismissal of your child, please call the office by 2:00pm.

Playground Behavior Expectations

The school playground is a place to enjoy yourself, participate in physical activities, and take a break from classroom work. In order for the playground to be a safe, enjoyable place for ALL students, you must obey the following rules:

If you do not follow the given rules, you should expect:

1st Time: A staff member will communicate a complete explanation of what you have done wrong.  Parents may or may not be notified.

2nd Time:  A staff member will communicate a complete explanation of what you have done wrong. You may lose playground privileges (ie- loss of swing usage) for a specified period of time, depending on the severity of the problem. Parents will be notified.

3rd Time:  An administrator will communicate a complete explanation of what you have done wrong. You may lose playground privileges (ie- loss of recess) for an extended period of time to be determined by the principal.  Parents will be notified.

Other Things You Should Know... 

School Colors & Mascot

The Erickson School colors are blue and yellow.  The second Friday of each month is SPIRIT DAY. Students are encouraged to wear blue and yellow or Erickson spirit wear. The PTO will sell spirit wear throughout the school year. Please refer to the Erickson Express for information regarding ordering Spirit Wear online.

Our school symbol is the Eagle. An eagle is one of the largest and most powerful birds in the world. It is regarded as courageous and symbolizing freedom and power. As such, it makes a great mascot for all students at Erickson Elementary.

School Website

The Erickson School Website is located at The website features an up-to-date calendar of events, classroom website pages, curriculum information, links to the Erickson Express Newsletter, and other important information about school happenings.

School Newsletter

Each Thursday, the Erickson Express is e-mailed to all families. Parents may also access the Express on the school website at Important information and dates are provided in the Express.


Erickson Elementary has a twitter account @D13Eagles to keep parents informed of upcoming events & post pictures throughout the week. Parents can follow Erickson and receive information on their smartphones like texts.

Visitors to School

Adult visitors are welcome at school. Visitors should park in the parent parking lot. All individuals wishing to enter the building will need to ring the doorbell at the entrance of the school. A staff member will ask your name and the purpose of your visit. Once it is determined that you are able to enter, you must report to the office, sign in, and present a driver’s license or state identification which will be scanned through the sex offender database to receive a visitor’s pass before proceeding any further into the school. If a parent wishes to confer with a teacher, an appointment must be made prior to the visit.

Teachers have been directed to send visitors without authorization to the office. This includes all school areas, both in and out of the building, and refers to all parents and visitors. Your cooperation in this matter will help us ensure the safety of the children and cause few disruptions of the school routine. If a parent decides to come to the school at the close of the day to pick up a child, they are to not wait in the school corridor or outside the classroom. Parents should wait by the main entrance.

Student visitors are not permitted during regular school hours. An adult must supervise all children in the building after school hours.


During morning announcements the names of all those celebrating a birthday will be read. Anyone whose birthday is on the weekend will have his/her name read on Friday. Those students with summer birthdays will be assigned a date during the school year when their birthday will be announced.

Decorating lockers, desks and sending flowers or gifts to school is not permissible. Maintaining a stable learning environment for all students is a daily responsibility.

As a result of food allergies, and other food related issues, birthday treats are NOT to be sent to school. Students will not be allowed to pass out any items. The school will give each student a birthday token.

Birthday Invitations are of a personal nature and are NOT to be sent to school to be passed out. This practice has caused hurt feelings for those students not invited. Please send invitations by mail only. The school office is unable to provide emails, addresses or phone numbers to parents. Those joining the PTO will be given a student address booklet.


Please email to report your child’s absence or tardy. It is also important to notify the teacher as well. 

Forgotten Lunch

It is against the school rules to have a restaurant delivery service deliver food to the school. This causes a disruption in the office. The school will provide a lunch if your child has forgotten his/her lunch.