About PMS Counseling
Vision Statement: All students at Peterson Middle School have confidence in their ability to succeed in their present and future academic, social-emotional, and career goals. Implementing critical thinking and collaborative problem solving, our students are future-ready to assume their roles as empathetic and resilient lifelong learners as graduates of the Santa Clara Unified School District.
Mission Statement: The mission of Peterson Middle School Counseling is to implement an engaging, comprehensive counseling program by promoting academic excellence, facilitating college & career exploration, and nurturing personal, social, and physical development. Using data-informed, multi-tiered interventions, the school counselors tailor their support and ensure that every student receives equitable assistance. School counselors ensure that each individual has knowledge of and access to the school counseling program through individual, small group, and classroom lessons. Through these collaborative initiatives, the PMS School Counseling program aims to foster a sense of belonging where each student is empowered to be a responsible, productive citizen.
About Counseling at Peterson
The Peterson Middle School counseling department strives to promote academic achievement while attending to the social and emotional needs of our students. We offer a comprehensive counseling program that aligns with the National Model for School Counseling:
Tiered Interventions
Tier 1 (all students) - Classroom Counseling Lessons given in the Academic, Social Emotional, and Career and College Awareness
Tier 2 (5-15% of students) - Small Groups, Individual check ins, SST meetings
Tier 3 (1-5%) - Health and Wellness, Outside Referrals
2024-2025 Counseling Calendar
School Counselor Classroom Lesson Calendar 2024-2025 School Year

Services Provided by PMS School Counselors
Individual counseling (social, personal, emotional and academic)
Academic advising (organization, time management, prioritizing, advocating, etc.)
Career and College exploration through CaliforniaColleges.edu
Conflict mediation
Social skills
Solution focused and responsibility counseling
Referrals to outside support services
Collaboration with the Health and Wellness department
Consults with faculty, staff, administration and district office
Mandated reporters