Meeting Minutes 12/12/17

Parents and Families should review the slide show about the LCAP and complete the survey to represent and voice their values for their child’s education

The LCAP is the district's plan to raise student achievement and to meet the needs of all students. This accountability is tied to our funding.

-Graduation rates in the district are concerning. Research shows reading levels by 3rd grade are tied to graduation rates… as a primary school what are we doing to support graduation rates? How can we support student literacy?

-Simplification of LCAP Goals: there are only three goals now

SPSA Budget: pay raise for teachers and staff may affect the budget, but we have a lot of title 1 money. How can we use this money to raise student achievement:

-Makers space: we have room in the computer labs and the budget to set up a makers space. It would require planning on our behalf but the students would greatly benefit.

-Math Tutor: we have the budget to hire someone part time to tutor students in small groups to work on math skills identified by teacher and/or state data.

-Ways to support students in other areas of school. Is there a way to promote a positive school culture through Starting Arts or Playworks? Both require a large amount of money.




6:00-6:30 pm

ELAC: Ms. Chen presented about the recent DELAC meeting

-ELPAC transition occurring

-new ELPAC aligned to new language standards

-testing date is pushed to February to allow for more instructional time

-Four areas tested: speaking, listening, reading, writing

-State mandated test for all English Language Learners

-80-110 minutes total test time

Report Cards: Mrs. Erickson presented about new report cards

-old report cards were overwhelming, based on parent and teacher feedback

-new report cards are streamlined, but can lack some clarity in the standards

-all report cards are end of the year standards, therefore 1&2’s are appropriate because students are still learning and being assessed

Common Core APP- can help parents unpack the report card standards to better understand student’s grades.

School Funds: Ms. Morrow presented about the staff’s feedback

-staff would like to prioritize a push-in, part-time, credentialed math teacher (K-5)

-IF money remains, the staff would like to use a computer lab for a makerspace

-SSC approves

TEACHERS and STAFF: please help us find a math teacher

-part time hours (flexible)

-teacher's pay rate

-must have a credential

This would be a great opportunity for someone who is retired, at home-part time, or for recent credential grads who would like classroom experience