Creating assignments in Scrible with Edu Pro

Create a new assignment

After signing in to Scrible, click on the Assignments tab,

then click on the Create Assignment button

Assignment Basics

Select the Basics tab to add the


Assignment requirements and settings determine which features are available in the student's assignment library, and which metrics are reported in the educator's assignment dashboard. These metrics help educators easily assess student progress and provide formative feedback where it's needed.  

Click here to ensure your assignment dashboard includes the metrics you want. 


Select the Options and Requirements tab to access the Sources tab to


Under the Options and Requirements tab select the Bibliography tab to


Click on the Options and Requirements tab to enable the outline and paper features. 

If the assignment does not require an outline, do not select Enable outline features and the outline tab will not be included in the students' assignment libraries. 


The Paper feature allows educators to provide a template for the assignment. This can be a blank document or an existing document from Google Drive or Microsoft One Drive. Each student will work within their own copy of the document, located under the Papers tab in their assignment library. 

Determining a word count requirement for the paper creates a metric in the educator's assignment dashboard, tracking student progress toward the word count goal. Again, if you'd like to track progress without a required number of words for the assignment, set the number to 0. 

Click here to learn more about creating an assignment with a paper. 

Adding co-teachers

Adding co-teachers to an assignment is available with school/district plans. 

We are always here to help

Thank you for using Scrible. 
