Hello, this simple webpage will contain all of the information that you will need to follow your child's progress on their beginning band journey! You will have access to lesson plans, classroom expectations, a calendar of events, and music resources to help you navigate beginning band.
Gadsden Music Online Rental Website (They service our school once a week to bring supplies and do instrument repairs.)
You tube videos by a music teacher demonstrating every instrument! (I am not providing the link, but you can find it on YouTube by looking up the Music Teacher Walker channel.)
Classroom Expectations
Students are expected to come to band with their instrument, band book, and pencil.
Students are expected to rehearse a minimum of 15 to 20 mins at least 4 days a week.
Students will keep a daily rehearsal log in their band book.
Students will only play when instructed to do so.
All expectations of the regular classroom and the school will be enforced during band.
Students will have fun!!
Band Schedule:
Monday and Wednesday: Woodwinds (Flute, Clarinet, Alto Sax) and Percussion (Snare drum and Mallets)
Tuesday and Thursday: Brass (Trumpets and Trombones)
Friday: Full band