Module 5: GameDay App

GameDay App

Manage schedules, scores, rosters, and live score your games all in one app

How to Live Score a Game

  1. Tap the Games tab

  2. Tap Next

  3. Tap Live Score

  4. Tap Start Game

  5. Tap +1,+2,+6, etc. when a score occurs

  6. Tap the half, quarter, inning, etc.

  7. Tap Advance

  8. Repeat until the game is complete

  9. Tap End Game

How to Submit a Score

  1. Tap the Games tab

  2. Tap Next

  3. Tap Submit Final Score

  4. Tap each team's box and enter the final score

  5. Scroll down to enter the line score

  6. Tap Submit

How to Manage your Alerts

  1. Tap Account Settings

  2. Tap Alerts

  3. Toggle your alerts on or off

How to Manage your Schedule

  1. Tap the Games tab

  2. Tap on a scheduled game or tap the + icon to create one

  3. Edit or fill out the game details

  4. Tap Save

How to Manage your Roster

  1. Tap the Roster tab

  2. Tap on a player or tap the + icon to create one

  3. Edit or fill out the player info

  4. Tap Save

How to Manage your Team Profile