Week beginning 28th June 2021

Year 6 Computing Work

Year 6

Email your work to your computing teacher.

Mr Freshwater: TFcomp@scissett.com

Mr Large: TLcomp@scissett.com

For this week's work, you are going to design a rover like the one sent to Mars.


Go to the Scratch site:


and then follow the instructions in the video below.

There is a video at the top of the main Computing page that shows you how to make a Scratch account if you don't already have one.

Year 7 Computing Work

Year 7

Email your work to your computing teacher.

Mr McQueeney: jmcomp@scissett.com

There are TWO computing lessons today.

Lesson 1:

For our first lesson we are going to work on logging into Google and using Google Docs to type and copy/paste before attaching work to an email.


Watch the video below: "Using Google Docs".

Make sure that you PAUSE the video when it tells you to so that you can do the work without getting lost.

IMPORTANT: You MUST be logged into your school @scissett.com email. The video will show you this.

There is a list of adjectives that you might want to use to help you.


Email your completed document to jmcomp@scissett.com (see the last video "Attaching google Drive files to an Email" for help.)

Lesson 2:

For our second lesson we are going to work on copying files to Google Drive, how to use a spreadsheet document as a quiz, revision of searching the Internet and some basic computing words.

Task 3:

Watch the video to help you to complete the first task "01 Internet Quiz" and to email it to the address on the left of this page. Use the Internet to find the answers if you need to.

Task 4:

Copy the "02 Computing Words Quiz" to your Google Drive as you did in the first task, then complete it .

Task 5:

Copy the "03 KS3 Typing Test" to your Google Drive as you did in the first task, then complete it .

Task 6:

Email the work from Task 2 and Task 3 (attaching as a Google Drive link as you did for Task 1) to the address to the left of this page - see the last video "Attaching google Drive files to an Email" for help.

Year 8 Computing Work

Year 8

Email your work to your computing teacher.

Mr McQueeney: jmcomp@scissett.com

There are TWO Computing lessons today.

For our first lesson (Tasks 1-4) we are going to work on copying files to Google Drive, how to use spreadsheet document as a quiz, and revision of searching the Internet and some basic computing words.

Lesson 1:

Task 1:

Watch the video to help you to complete the first task "01 Internet Quiz" and to email it to the address on the left of this page. Use the Internet to find the answers if you need to.

Task 2:

Copy the "02 Computing Words Quiz" to your Google Drive as you did in the first task, then complete it .

Task 3:

Copy the "03 KS3 Typing Test" to your Google Drive as you did in the first task, then complete it .

Task 4:

Email the work from Task 2 and Task 3 (attaching as a Google Drive link as you did for Task 1) to the address to the left of this page - see the last video "Attaching Google Drive files to an Email" for help.

Lesson 2:

Task 5:

Watch the video "Using Google Docs".

Use the video to help you to complete the typing and formatting exercises in Google Docs.

Task 6:

Watch the video "KS3 Spreadsheets Revision 1"

Use the video to help you to complete the spreadsheet using Google Sheets.

Task 7:

Email both pieces of work to your teacher but attaching them using the Google Drive button at the bottom of your email (see the image below) - see the last video "Attaching google Drive files to an Email" for help.