Book Recommendations

By Tanzila Afrin

Enough with the mindless scrolling! Indulge in reading.. In this article I will explore a variety of different books.


One Day follows two people over the course of two decades. Although life takes them in different directions, they are revisited every July 15.

Normal People is based on two people who fall in love, the story follows them as they grow older. 


After Alicia Berenson murders husband, Gabriel Berenson, she starts her refusal to speak. Follow Theo Farber, a psychotherapist, who is insistent to speak with Alicia.

Before I Go To Sleep follows Christine Lucas, suffering from amnesia. Follow her as she tries reconstructing her life.


After the brutal attack of  Lola Nox’s father, she’s sent to live with her grandmother at Harrow Lake. But this isn’t like any regular town. The more she discovers, the more terrifying it becomes.

Author Jack Torrance takes a job at the isolated Overlook Hotel in hopes of curing his writer's block. As sinister presence haunts Jack, he ascends into madness.


This self improvement book includes memoirs from author Gretchen Rubin. It focuses on the guide to a better life. 

A comprehensive review on how to get just 1% better everyday.


A true story based on the murder of Kaitlyn Arquette. Author Lois Duncan recounts the mysterious death of her youngest child.

Robert Kolker delivers a haunting and humanizing account of the true-life search for a serial killer still at large on Long Island, in a compelling tale of unsolved murder.