Heart of Humanities: David Cameron

By Sabera Alam

David Cameron, is a 17 year old Junior at Hillcrest High school under the Humanities SLC. He is a Jamaican-Guyanese born American. A passionate individual who loves learning new things and diving into it. He likes to deeply get to know people and help anyone in any way he can. As for his future goal, he wants to become a businessman or something related to art, but if that doesn't work out, he wants to become a nurse. He has been very determined about his business since middle school. He was thinking about having his own clothing brand but didn't take a step towards it until he was a freshman. Now, he is the founder and creative director of a brand named “Ivorines”. He did everything on his own. He taught himself about business and designing. His future goal for the company is to make it a luxury focused brand and not streetwear clothing. He wants to make something that hasn’t been made yet, something that's different. 

Now, you as a reader might wonder why is he in the newspaper? What's so special about him! Upon asking the Humanities director Ms. Ramjan, why? She replied with, “He holds a very special place in the Humanities SLC, everybody adores him for his uplifting and positive personality. His peers look up to him.” She also said “he is very respectful and respectable and his peers look up to him because he is very dependable and honest.” This year, he was invited to give a speech on the honor roll ceremony that was held in February 2024. A lot of students were given the chance to give a speech because of their successful academic performance. David was the only one who stepped up to give a speech in front of hundreds of people with the request of the leadership students to represent the Humanities SLC.

Upon asking his friends to say something about David, all of them had a lot to say. One of his friends said “he is a very interesting, unique and a well spoken friend.” They also emphasized and said “just have one conversation with him and you will understand.” His best friend said, “David has a type of energy that makes everyone comfortable around him. When he enters a room, you just know it is gonna be a good time. He also knows a lot of people. He is supportive and a very smart guy. He has a lot of potential for his future, especially the moves he is making with his brand.” Last but not the least, Ms. Ramjan’s message for David was “Keep being you and if we had more people like you, the world would be a better place.”

 I asked David if there is a message or something he wants to say, and his message was “I wouldn't be who I am without my friends because they make me feel comfortable and confident. My friends make me comfortable in school because we all share a lot in common and support each other. They help me to feel confident because I know they will always back me.” His message about his parents was, “My Family helped to create who I am. Especially my mother, because she is the person who raised me and who I learned from first. The things taught to me by my mom helped to shape my creativity skills which is a major part of who I am. I was raised in a Christian Household which plays a major role in who I am because it teaches me that as a leader I will always make mistakes and need to hold myself accountable and not blame others or hold on to any anger against people. I will continue my journey in developing myself because I believe in myself strongly that I will do great things and I can only go higher than before." "The Humanities SLC also plays a role in who I am because it's like a family I have at school. We support and work with each other to accomplish our common and individual goals. The leadership of the HHA Director Ms.Ramjan helps to keep this school family going and our success thriving. I am very grateful to be in this SLC.” Last but not the least he had some things to say about his brand, “Ivorines is a brand I was planning on creating since I was in sixth grade. The name is my mother’s middle name and I used it because my mother is the one who helped me to be creative and encouraged it. I hope to create things that have never been created before and reengineer things in the future with this brand. I strongly believe my brand will be big in the future. If you want to see and witness it yourself check out Ivorines. Come and follow it on Instagram and tik tok @ivorines.”