Wrestling Team of Hillcrest

By Soufian Thabet

Did you know there's a wrestling team in Hillcrest? As Fall came around, so did new and enticing tournaments, and matches against other schools! Come and watch as to whether or not your fellow peers win or lose! 

The Hillcrest wrestling team currently has 15 people on their roster!

The team trains during after school hours, times between 3-5 p.m. 

The current MVP of Hillcrest High School is Joshua Gonzales , with a staggering 4 Wins and 0 Loses! This the highest of this school year's current wins. Of course none of this would be possible without The Head Coach's help, Ruben Durandis. Every Thursday and Friday after school he coaches his students, at an association called “ S.E.Q.K.W.A.” (Southeast Queens Kid Wrestling Association)

The current score of Hillcrest is 2 wins with 4 Losses!

The standing of Hillcrest High school is currently 5th place with Cardozo and Jamaica High School taking the lead with 5 wins and 1 Loss each. 

Joshua Gonzales , the MVP, had stated that the reason he joined the team was because he simply “enjoyed wrestling." Another one of the wrestlers, Jesus Lopez, has been in the team since last year of 2023, when asked what his favorite part of wrestling was he simply said “It's fun."