Seasonal Depression and Ways to Combat It

By Tanzila Afrin

What is Seasonal Depression?- Seasonal Affective Disorder  also known as SAD or seasonal depression is defined as the depression caused by the season, typically revolving around the start of Winter or Fall. Seasonal Depression is a familiar feeling for 10 million Americans across the country. This usually starts from the beginning of the colder weather lasting till early spring days. This depression plagues society as the days get shorter and colder, and humans are less exposed to sunlight. In this article we will explore different ways to combat seasonal depression. 

Top 5 Ways to Combat SAD

Waking Up Early

Waking up Early exposes one to more sunlight which minimizes the impact of SAD. This with keeping a routine can pull someone out of the suffocating feelings of SAD.With waking up early causes more sunlight exposure.It is proven that sunlight causes your brain to release a chemical called serotonin. Additionally maintaining a schedule reduces stress since it makes days more organized and less hectic. 

Keeping a Journal

Keeping a journal allows you to express and share your thoughts and feelings. With this, someone can express their strong or big emotions. A journal provides you with a judgment free outlet to explore your mind. With Days getting shorter and colder, a journal provides an effective way to understand one’s seasonal depression, thus, reducing the strong effects of SAD. 


Exercising releases endorphins such as dopamine which provides happiness and energy. This reduces the impacts of seasonal depression because it directly goes against someone’s general negativity towards the environment. 


Practicing mindfulness can help SAD. This is yet another outlet to express and explore your emotions. Seasonal depression usually leads to extreme dread and anxiety. Getting in tune with your emotions can let one enjoy and make the best of a formerly stressful or bad situation. 

Connecting with others

Seasonal depression usually results in people feeling alone, anxious and isolated. To prevent this dread, try connecting with loved ones and friends. This can ease some tension and relieve the anxiety associated with the weather.