New Beginnings of Hillcrest with 

Mr. Rule

By Ahmad Aman and Nicholas Ruffin

As we enter into the new year, new changes have arrived right at our doorstep of Hillcrest. The biggest change of all is our new principal, Mr. Varun Rule-Pandey. Mr. Rule is no stranger to the Hillcrest school community. 

   Mr. Rule grew up in Queens in the 90s after moving from India to America. Hillcrest was the first American school he went to as a student.  It was a big change for him because schools in his home country were different compared to Hillcrest. When he was a student here, staff helped him get around and he eventually graduated. Mr. Rule started his college experience and went to Queensborough Community College and eventually transferred to Queens College to receive his bachelor's degree. He started working as a teacher.  As years went by he decided he wanted to be an assistant principal for which he went to Hunter College. He stated he was very happy and he went and obtained his masters. 

After 15 years of teaching, he was promoted to the position of Assistant Principal of Health Education. And, After nearly 2 decades of hard work in the profession of teaching, he is now the Principal of the school he graduated from. When asked what might be the biggest challenge of becoming the principal, he was quick to change the negative word “challenge” to a more positive word “adapting.” He says, “I wouldn’t say challenges, rather there are various ways to adapt and bring balance among how I can support the kids’ needs, faculty members’ needs and meet the parents’ needs at the same time. But the first goal is always to support the kids’ needs.” This portrays not only his underpinning support for the students but his major priority for the school, the safety and well-being of the students.

   But, that raises a question. How will Mr. Rule stay visible to the students? It’s simple, he says. Mr. Rule plans on staying visible to our school community by scheduling himself to walk the hallways and greeting students and staff in the morning and during dismissal greeting parents. As we asked him what makes him hopeful for the future of Hillcrest, he says, “you, the students,” a clear indication of his confidence in our success in life. “You never know when you will meet a Hillcrest graduate.” He brought up the previous graduation class, there were 2 out of 3 EMT on standby who were Hillcrest Graduates. He stated “We are awesome” and can’t wait to see the future we bring, and the perseverance we show.