Marvel VS. DC: Can We Settle the Score?

By Andrea Baldeon & Samara Pierre & Yeva Kubiak

Marvel and DC have been in an ongoing feud for who holds top spot. From comics to movies and trilogies. Marvel was founded in 1939 by Martin Goodman. Marvel in cinema began in June 1961 created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko. DC was founded in 1935 by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson. DC made their first movie in 1951. 

With this feud being worldwide, we asked students at Hillcrest their view on it. An 11th-grade student, David Cameron, states that “Marvel has the best trilogies because their editing and production is way better, like Superman and heroes. DC graphics are kinda horrible and look like cartoons even though they are like actual actors there.” When we asked about the student’s preference, another 11th grade student Lindsay Farez stated “Personally I think DC is better because it has more variety of heroes and a greater story than a marvel. Marvel is also good, but I think DC is like the top five.” An 11th-grade student, Keli, also stated “Thor is the best Marvel hero because I like Thor Ragnarok.”  A 10th-grade student, who would like to remain anonymous stated “DC is better because it has better fits and more powers.”

Mr. Stormont, a teacher at Hillcrest High School, said “Marvel all day everyday.” Although, some may say DC is overall better…Marvel has dominated the movie market for years, which has made them more popular. But does popularity make Marvel better? DC did start in 1935 which is 5 years before Marvel was branded. 

Most students that were interviewed did side with Marvel. However, students who sided with DC agreed that it’s better because they are more diverse when it comes to their characters. Christian Salazar, an 11th grader, stated “There's a lot of controversy saying that some characters are better than others. But personally, I’ll say that DC is better because it has more variety of heroes and villains.” 

Above all, Hillcrest sides with Marvel!