Impact of Having Pets

By Genesis Zumbana

Pets are a human's best friend. They are caring animals that stay by your side 24/7. There are many lovely qualities about them such as they are loving, caring, smart, funny, loyal and so much more. The most special part about them is their loyalty. 

Some of the impacts of having a pet is that they can help lower your stress, anxiety, loneliness, depression, and make you feel more energetic. This can also impact you with your behavior and influence you in a good way. Having a pet can also impact your life. According to "The Health Benefits of Owning a Pet" by Harvard Magazine, pet owners live longer! "Research has found that those who own dogs are more likely to achieve 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week—the medically recommended guideline. “If you do reach those exercise guidelines, you will have lower blood pressure, you can lower your cholesterol, you can lower your triglycerides,” Frates explained. 

Another thing is that they provide companionship, lots of love ,and joy in your life. This brings positivity in your daily life. The bond you have with a pet is such a special thing to have. For example if you’re having a bad day your pets will try to cheer you up until you’re feeling better and even help you socialize! "“Anyone who owns a dog, and walks that dog, knows it is an invitation for conversation,” Frates says. “It can reduce loneliness and create social connections.”" Even owning a pet fish has its benefits! "Pet fish bring the benefits of nature indoors, too. Studies have found that watching fish lowers a person’s blood pressure, and some research has shown that having fish at home helps the owners maintain their own life routines." 

People that I know that have pets have said that their pet impacted their life because they are very playful, funny, and give the best cuddles. Many of them said that their pets make them happy and they get quality time with them. That creates a relationship and a special bond that's unbreakable. Also some people have said that their pet makes their family closer and even make deeper connections!