Make or Break: Internet Slang

By Samara Pierre and Andrea Baldeon

Social media has been around for a very long time now. It's safe to say that there are some things we have picked up from being on social media. Teenagers are on social media often and use social media slang whether online or in real life. What better place to hear this slang than a high school filled with teens? Here at Hillcrest High School, we interviewed students about the vocabulary they use/hear. 

We’ve interviewed students at Hillcrest High School to see how social media slang affects their lives. An 11th-grade student, who would like to remain anonymous, stated “ I feel like it’s easier, and just makes everything simpler, I feel like if you use the appropriate slang.” When we asked for their opinion on social media slang they stated “…I think it’s okay. Like sometimes it makes it simpler for talking. For some of the inappropriate ones I think you should calm down. It just depends on the way you use it.” A 12th grade student Amaris also stated “I like internet slang because I feel like it’s kinda creative, not gonna lie. I don’t have hate towards it, I like it.” When asked “​​Does internet slang affect your writing?” they responded, “Yes, ‘cause sometimes I be writing something or texting somebody, and instead of using the proper form I’ll use slang by mistake.” Some students feel as if social media slang is a better way to express themselves. 

USNews “How Slang Affects Students in the Classroom” talks about how slang affects the punctuation and grammar of students. Likewise, when students are texting their friends they are most likely not thinking about spelling their words right. So they abbreviate their words. Instead of saying “be right back” they use “brb” or even when they say “u” instead of “you.” Therefore, this transcribes into the classroom. Which does affect their essays, writing emails or even the way they talk to other students and teachers. 

While we interviewed mostly students about their use of internet slang, we interviewed a teacher and dean named Ms. Zaharakis. She was asked the same question as the students and had quite a few things to say. When asked for her opinion on internet slang she stated, “So I think it’s kinda fun. But I also think that kids need to keep in mind that there’s always gonna be a time and a place to use that and they can use internet slang with their friends and that’s appropriate, but when it does get into speaking with adults and your boss and your parents, it’s not appropriate and should be kept out of that part of your life.” Having a teacher’s perspective on what they see and hear around the school gives us another view from someone who may not even use social media slang. 

Social media will continue to grow. So will slang, and over time it will be used even more.