Mr. Pigis- A Visionary Genius 

By Ahmad Aman

Have you ever wondered what happens when creativity and technology unite? Well, the world of robotics is where you’ll find your answers! If you're passionate about computers and are in need  for a hands-on adventure, our robotics club is undoubtedly your destination. 

Imagine a place where circuits, signals and code come to life, not to mention real life applications of both hardware and software are also crucial. That's exactly what the robotics club promotes– an adventure into the heart of innovation. 

Now, the mastermind behind it all is none other than Mr. Pigis, our buff, glasses-wearing advisor. If you ever walked around the 260 hallway area of the 2nd floor, then I’m sure you’ve seen him. With a background in software development and over 22 years of teaching experience across four different schools, this seasoned pro is here to make robotics not just a club but an unforgettable learning experience. He’s working with Vaughn College to help students learn not just hardwares or softwares, but the future of robotics. Additionally, students learn to build robots under the guidance of Mr. Pigis who’s also been the Robotics coach of Brooklyn Tech High School before, and analyzes robotics tournament games and participates in them (held in Vaughn College). When asked what the club members do in the Robotics club, he said, “students, overall, build the robot in order to compete at the VEX level. Basically, we look at a game and we sit down and brainstorm how we can build a robot. First, we brainstorm, then we design, and then the hardware enthusiasts and aspiring software experts get together and work on new or previous models of robots and make sure that the sensors, the motors etc work. This year we’re trying to bring together widgets, as they call it, and build a robot that’ll be able to climb and hold onto something.”

 Eventually, though, he wants to evolve this club into a class that you can take. But that can only happen when the tech enthusiasts of our school start joining the robotics club and make this dream of making a robotics class come true.