
The Sojourner Truth School has partnered with the American Debate League for our inaugural middle school debate team. SoTru students develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills across the curriculum as they learn to research and defend a variety of positions on controversial issues. Below is a snapshot of what they are learning:

​Public Forum Debate

Public Forum Debate is one of the most popular forms of debate that involves opposing teams of two, debating a topic concerning a current event. Students present cases, engage in rebuttal and refutation, and also participate in a “crossfire” (similar to a cross examination) with the opportunity to question the opposing team. Students will be able to enhance their skills in public speaking, debate, and leadership.

Competitive Speech

Competitive speech is a very powerful activity which teaches students many skills which are in high demand in the contemporary world: public speaking, research skills, writing and logical thinking! Students will be exposed to various individual speaking events such as Original Oratory, Dramatic, Interpretation, Poetry, and many more.

Coming Soon