Wood Carving Lessons online

Hi I am Alexander Grabovetskiy and I am Woodcarver. Are you interested in taking your woodcarving skills to the next level? Then look no further.

Let Woodcarver Grabovetskiy take you to the next level of Wood Carving

Are you interested in taking your woodcarving skills to the next level?


The School of Woodcarving is a video-based woodcarving training program that aims to prepare and train individuals in the art of woodcarving through on-going education

I founded my nonprofit woodcarving school to share my passion for making beautiful things out of wood with others after being taught woodcarving by my grandfather as a 6-year-old.

I welcome you to visit my woodcarving shop.

It is as if you were in my workshop. I could hear you carved away, smell the rich, earthy wood peeling into spirals as I sculpt, so let me help you set expectations. It doesn't matter if you are on a couch in your living room, you can learn from these lessons. Is it possible to learn from your laptop in your tool shed? It doesn't really matter to you what you do, it's just a matter of time.

Unlike traditional schools, my School of Wood Carving is not a school in the traditional sense, but a place to watch me work on actual projects at the speed of an artist. I am inviting you to become a member. Watch me as I answer a common question in my carving studio - how do you carve wood?

It is a non-profit organization that conducts all its training online. Members contribute monthly or annually. Videos can be viewed, notes taken, and assignments can be submitted online.


It's a good idea to ask questions to this brilliant mind or simply follow along, making an effort to mimic Alexander's technique, so that your technique keeps improving.

As soon as your art fills your home, and everyone compliments your creative streak, it's time to learn the techniques that distinguish you from a hobbyist. In addition to teaching advanced woodcarving, he opened up about how he approaches woodcarving, and how Alexander approaches the craft. It's stuff you'd need a lifetime to master.

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In order to distinguish yourself from a hobbyist as a master wood carver, you must learn the techniques that differentiate a master wood carver from a hobbyist. Trying to learn all of this on your own would take a lifetime. Alexander Grabovetskiy has provided advanced woodcarving lessons, explained how he approaches woodcarving, and explained his own craft methodology.

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