
What is an Edcamp?

Why do educators like this style of PD?

“Educators exposed to the Edcamp model are more satisfied, learn more, and feel more supported.” - Edcamp Foundation

“Nearly 70% report learning at least 4 or more ideas to implement in their classrooms; 23% report learning over 10.” - Edcamp Foundation

“Administrators and educators agree that the Edcamp model is more productive and valuable than traditional, presentation-oriented professional development.” - Edcamp Foundation

“Close to 97% of attendees say they developed beneficial contacts at Edcamp, making it one of the most rewarding networking events for educators out there.” - Edcamp Foundation

When & where is #Teachstock happening?

June 25th, 2020 at Sangren Hall (WMU) from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm.

How did Teachstock come to be?

In the Fall of 2018, Educators from Kalamazoo County dreamt of an amazing, collaborative learning experience that was for teachers, by teachers and more importantly WITH teachers throughout the area. A grant was written to fund it and keep it free because who doesn't love FREE? Thanks to the Extra Yard For Teachers grant, this idea became a reality and in June of 2019, teachers in Kalamazoo County experienced the most impactful, engaging, and fun learning opportunity available to them!

The event is now on year "2.0" and is being powered by the same inspired group of leaders that kick-started this great event two years ago.

Who is this for?

K-8 Educators in Kalamazoo County!