Schoolcraft Jr./Sr. High School 

Weekly Newsletter

April 8- April 14

8th Grade ELA News

8th grade ELA started the novel, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas this week after doing some research and background knowledge on the Holocaust. This novel reading will take a variety of forms including the partner/small group reading pictures here. Stay tuned to the intricacies of this novel!!

Washington DC Packing Lists


The Michigan Association of Student Councils and Honor Societies (MASC/MAHS) Summer Leadership Camp provides an opportunity for students to experience lessons in leadership, communications, group activities, and goal setting. Through this competitive process, students in grades nine through 12 receive scholarships to attend camp.

Every year, SET SEG receives hundreds of applications from throughout Michigan and awards up to $30,000 in full scholarships to high school students. See the link below for more information. 

Summer Programs for Teens 

Whether it’s an overnight pre-college program, a local day camp, or a sleepaway adventure experience, summer programs for teens are great for pursuing new interests, improving existing skills, and making new friends outside of the classroom. 

On this page, we’ve collected and curated some of the best summer programs for students in middle and high school. These one-of-a-kind programs come in all shapes and sizes — some are academically focused, others are skills-based, and still others are similar to a traditional summer camp experience. However, all of these programs offer vital enrichment opportunities for teens to expand their horizons. 


High School Seniors: Complete a video challenge by March 18, 2024, and you could earn $1,000 towards your post-secondary education.

If your family receives monthly service from Midwest Energy & Communications (MEC) at your primary residence, you are eligible to apply. Selection for the scholarship is based on the video submission along with academic performance, extracurricular activities, community involvement and/or employment, and honors and awards. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a four-point scale is required, and an official transcript must be submitted for final approval.  

Phi Delta Kappa State of Michigan Chapter 1607

Prospective Educator Scholarship

This scholarship awards up to $1,500 scholarship(s) each year to a high school or undergraduate student seeking a career in education.


The SET SEG Foundation believes in supporting Michigan public school students in the pursuit of enrichment opportunities that advance learning and create opportunities. With the shortage of skilled trade workers in Michigan, we want to help revitalize these career paths and support students in their professional pursuits by giving 20 scholarships each in the amount of $500.

Michigan Achievement Scholarship

Students and their families looking to secure more financial aid for college are encouraged to register for an informational webinar about the Michigan Achievement Scholarship, which is the newest State of Michigan scholarship program expected to impact the majority of students. 

Participants will be able to gather the following information:

All sessions are free of charge and open to the public. Register for one session only, as space is limited. 

The Michigan Department of Treasury is not affiliated with National Merit Scholarship Corporation or its registered trademarks National Achievement®, Achievement Scholarship®, or Achievement Scholar®.

Virtual Financial Aid Webinars

Students and their families interested in learning about financial aid basics are encouraged to register for a virtual presentation provided by Michigan Department of Treasury’s MI Student Aid team.

Participants will be able to gather information on the following financial aid topics:

All sessions are free of charge and open to the public. Register for one session only, as space is limited.


KVAAP- Kalamazoo Valley Accelerated Associate Program 

What is KVAAP?

The Kalamazoo Valley Accelerated Associate Program (KVAAP) is an initiative that covers the cost of tuition, fees, books, and required supplies for its participants. The program ensures that students stay on track to obtain their associate degree at an accelerated pace by attending school full-time. In addition to financial assistance, KVAAP students benefit from advising, personalized support, career development, and educational pathway assistance.

Click HERE for more information. 

The Kalamazoo Valley Community College Financial Aid office offers assistance to any county resident with filling out the FAFSA form. Call 269-488-4340 for more information

2023-24 forms are available! Please click the link below to fill out your form. 

Preparing for FAFSA

High School and College students have important questions on what they need to fill out the FAFSA and when to file. Help them find the details with these comprehensive FAFSA resources:

What's the FAFSA? Why Should You Care?

FAFSA Checklist

10 FAFSA Mistakes to Avoid

2023-2024 Financial Aid and FAFSA State Deadlines


Class of 2024


If your senior missed the CAP & GOWN Pickup, they can find their items on the table outside the office. If you have not ordered your cap & gown please use the link below to do so. The deadline is May 1. 

Project Graduation Info

What is Grad Bash?

Grad Bash is an event (location is always kept secret) planned by parents to help seniors celebrate graduation in a drug and alcohol-free environment. All seniors who want to attend Grad Bash must earn points by volunteering at fundraiser events, or buy out. More information regarding the dates and times of Grad Bash will be released in the spring. Please contact a board member for more information.

Grad Bash Liability Form

Any Seniors attending Grad Bash that will not be 18 on June 3rd,  will need to fill out a liability form. Please click the link below to print the form or students can pick one up in the main office. 

Schoolcraft Eagles Athletics 

SHS Athletics 2023-24 Admission Prices 




Jr/Sr High School Information

Please Click HERE to read a letter from Matt Dailey regarding our OK2Say Program

District Calendar

John Gardner, Little League President, is again looking for volunteer help for Saturday, April 20th.  It is opening day for Little League and they need help from 9:00-5:00 p.m.  Please have them contact

Full Schoolcraft Community Schools is looking for Classroom substitutes! All of our subs are hired and managed through EDUStaff. If you would like to be part of an amazing school district and please click the link below to apply. 

Current Sub Rates for SCS

Full Day Subs: $110 per Day

Half Day: $60.00 Per day

Become an Edustaff Substitute

Whether you’re looking for a flexible schedule or more steady employment, substitute teaching through Edustaff offers competitive pay, access to health and 401(k) benefits, the chance to work at a school you’d consider a future employer, and a great way to be involved in your child’s or grandchild’s school and stay active in your community.

Edustaff accepts the following educational documents:


Our goal is to provide a monthly newsletter delivered to the SHS school community electronically.  With the "on-the-go" life-style and connectivity to our mobile technology, we hope this communication in conjunction with the Schoolcraft App, Live Feed updates, and social media posts keep you informed about the exciting things happening at SHS and within Schoolcraft Community Schools.