Workplace Math and PLAR Prep


Time is a funny thing. Often we run out of time during the day or find ourselves rushing to get to places on time. For many cultures time is attached to the seasons: time for fishing, time for hunting or time for resting. In this day and age, we are ruled by the clock.

Don't forget there are:

  • 15 minutes in quarter of an hour.

  • 30 minutes in half an hour.

  • 60 minutes in an hour.

  • 12 hours in half a day.

  • 24 hours in a whole day.

Try this...

Lisa has to be at work for 7:00 pm – she will work a 10 hour shift. When does she get off? click the arrow to see the answer -------->

5:00 am

Jill works from 7:00 am to noon and then from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm. How many hours does she work?

click the arrow to see the answer --------------------->

10 hours

24 Hour Clock

The 24-hour clock is a way of keeping time where the day runs from midnight to midnight and is divided into 24 hours, numbered from 0 to 23.

The 12-hour clock requires the use of am and pm to clearly identify the time of day. Since the 24-hour clock uses a unique two-digit number to identify each of the 24 hours in a day, am and pm are unnecessary.

The 24-hour clock begins at midnight (which is 0000 hours). So, 1:00 a.m. is 0100 hours, 2:00 AM is 0200 hours, and so-on up until 11:00 am which is 2300 hours.

When converting from the 12-hour clock to the 24-hour clock and vice versa, the minutes and seconds do not change. The 24-hour clock is the most commonly used time notation in the world today. The 12- hour clock is, however, still used in a few countries, particularly the United States, Canada (except Quebec) and Australia. 24-hour notation is also popularly referred to as military time or astronomical time in the US and Canada The military does not use a colon between the numbers. For example: 1300 hrs. However you will find that airlines use a colon. For example: 13:00 hrs. You can choose to use colons or not.