Primary Computing Support


Physical kit loan

Our kits are booking out quickly - please enquire now to loan a kit for the academic year 23-24.

Primary Certificate

Improve your computing knowledge and employability by completing a nationally recognised certificate in computing. Awarded by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.


We have a variety of CPD courses running over the next few months and are constantly adding new courses so do check back soon. All of our courses are free of charge for state schools.

If there is anything you would want to see here or if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us

We hope to see you at one of our courses soon!

Primary Network Meeting 

We can support you in enhancing the computing curriculum within schools

21st May - 16.00 to 17.00 - Join us! 

Primary Leadership Network Meeting 

Talk with other Primary teachers and gain support in enhancing the computing curriculum within schools. This meeting will be held online on the: 

11th June - 15.45 to 16.45 - Join us! 

Physical Computing Kit Courses

KS2 Crumble - Short Course - FACE TO FACE

Explore physical computing using the Crumble device and how the Teach Computing Curriculum can be used to engage students.

Data logging – Using MicroBits in Science & Computing Lessons - FACE TO FACE 

This 'hands on' course will introduce you to the micro: bit a small micro-computer, which can be used to record data such as light, temperature and sound. You will learn how to use the device as a datalogger, how to view the stored data and how to use data handling software to represent it in tables, charts and graphs.

Introduction to the micro:bit in KS2 - Short Course - FACE TO FACE

Explore physical computing using the micro: bit device; finding out how it can be used to develop understanding of programming through creative digital projects.

Leading Primary Computing Courses

Leading Primary Computing - module 1

- 9th July - Shaw House, Newbury, BERKS - 9.30-15.30 - Info and booking

Essential knowledge for primary computing subject leaders, helping you get the most from every teacher and every child.

Leading Primary Computing - module 2 

- Multiple dates and times available - Remote - Dates, info and booking

Following on from module 1 - Focus on how to best lead the improvement of computing teaching and  provide professional support and development to others.

Year Group Specific Content Courses

Getting Started in Year... Remote Short Courses

These courses will take a comprehensive look into specific year group content for computing. Have a go at activities and take away ready-to-teach package to support your class.

Other Primary Computing Courses

Developing and supporting programming within your primary school - FACE TO FACE 

- Bucks Digital Hub, Aylesbury, BUCKS - 23rd May - 9.30 to 15.30 - Info and booking

- Chinnor Community Pavilion, OXON - 18th June - 9.30 to 15.30 - Info and booking 

Ensure progression in programming, using effective approaches within your school.

Assessment of primary computing - 23rd April - 09.30 to 16.00 - Remote - Info and booking

Through a range of formative and summative assessment approaches you will confidently evaluate learning in computing, exploring various methods of evidence gathering to support and validate assessment data. 

Getting Started with 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) - 2nd May 15.45 to17.15 - Remote - Info and booking

A 90 minute virtual but practical session on Getting Started with 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD). The course will focus on getting started with Tinkercad and SketchUp with us delivering 40 mins on each program, and how these can be used within Science & Computing.

Introduction to the Teach Computing Curriculum - short course - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking

Find out about the Teach Computing Curriculum and how to implement it in your school.

Assessment of primary computing - FACE TO FACE - 27th June - 09.00 to 15.00 - Wheatley Park School - Info and booking

Through a range of formative and summative assessment approaches you will confidently evaluate learning in computing, exploring various methods of evidence gathering to support and validate assessment data. 

Introduction to Primary Computing - Multiple dates and times available - Remote - Dates, info and booking

Gain an understanding of the breath of the computing curriculum and how to get started from an expert practitioner. 

Teaching programming with Scratch and Scratch Jr - Multiple dates and times available - Remote - Dates, info and booking

Learn essential subject knowledge to become a skilled teacher of primary programming using Scratch and Scratch Jr. Create and debug your own programmes, using key concepts such as sequence, repetition, selection and variables.

Assessing computational thinking in primary schools - short course - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking

A short course providing practical guidance on the assessment of key thinking skills in primary computing.

Preparing for Ofsted in primary computing - short course - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking

Find out what to expect from an Ofsted visit to your school and how you can prepare for it as a computing subject lead.

Careers and enrichment in primary computing - short course 

- Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking

Adapting the Teach Computing Curriculum for mixed-year classes - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking

Explore progression within Teach Computing Curriculum and how to use this to adapt it for your own mixed-age setting.

Online Computing Courses to join anytime

Creating an Inclusive Classroom: Approaches to Supporting Learners with SEND in Computing - Info and joining

Explore ways to make your computing lessons more inclusive for learners with special educational needs and disabilities.

Get started with the Teach Computing Curriculum in your primary school - Info and joining

Improve understanding of computing using the freely available Teach Computing Curriculum and understand how to use it to deliver computing in your primary school.

Teaching Computing Systems and Networks to 5- to 11-year-olds - Info and joining

Improve your subject knowledge and develop your teaching to help young children understand the computing systems and networks around them.

Teaching Programming to 5- to 11-year-olds - Info and joining

Build your subject knowledge and develop your skills in teaching programming.

CAS events

CAS Conference 2024 

13th July - Find out more here

CAS Conference 2024 will bring us all together with a fantastic line-up of speakers, a chance to get together and share ideas, and hear about the latest innovations in computing education. Choose from a programme of over 65 workshops covering a range of topics relevant to primary, secondary and A-level teachers.  

To hear about our latest news, events, updates and courses, sign up to receive communications here.