Senior CLass 2025
Seniors, welcome to the doghouse where we bark loud and let success be our noise!
School Administration
Dr. Lewis Mr. Daughtry Mr. McCall
(Assistant Principal) (Principal) (Assistant Principal)
Mr. Craig Daughtry, Principal
Mr. Emanuel McCall, Assistant Principal
Dr. Tracy Lewis, Assistant Principal
Guidance Counselors
Andrea David (A - El)
Tihesha Simmons (Em-K)
Dr. Aqkwele Polidore (L-R)
Colette Green (S - Z)
Shelby Hawthorne
Allison Glover
Level 4 Advisors
Eddie Brown
Amy Dunlap
Renee Cannon
Dahlia Creightney
Olufemi Gordon
Shelby Hawthorne
Justin Kriske
Marilou Labares
Tanisha Leslie
Lois Lindo
Latika Smalls
Michael Thompson
Calecia Williams
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Student REMIND Code: Text @bhs25sec2 to 81010
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