About the Electives

Electives - Making The Choice

How to make the choice?  Following are some of the factors which students and parents may consider together.  Please pray about the best subject options to suit your skills and interests, discuss the electives between yourselves, talk to teachers about what each subject entails and be fully informed before making your choices.  Factors to consider include:



A student who is particularly gifted in a certain area may choose that subject to develop the gifts God has built into him / her.

Interest and Motivation:

A student will gain most from a subject he / she enjoys and is prepared to work at.  Elective subjects give a student the chance to choose subjects on this basis and develop an area of interest.  Interest and motivation are the key factors in subject choice.

Call Of God:

While students at this stage are too young to be considering a call to a career or ministry, it may be important if a student feels a leading from the Lord in a certain direction to, at least, not put off options in that direction.

Further Study:

Students considering further study in a particular field after leaving school (eg. University, TAFE, etc.) may wish to choose subjects that lead toward such study.  Stage 5 subjects are not pre-requisites for HSC subjects, however, study of Stage 5 Courses can set students up for a confident start in their HSC. 

1. Choose ELECTIVE SUBJECTS carefully - choose subjects you will enjoy.

2. Make it your choice - not because of friends, teachers, etc.

3. Discuss the information provided carefully with parents / guardians, and contact teachers.


Please note that electives are offered subject to organisational considerations and will run according to the interests of students.  



See details for each subject below


Commerce enables young people to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and values that form the foundation on which they can make sound decisions about consumer, financial, legal, business and employment issues. 

It develops in students the ability to research information, apply problem-solving strategies and evaluate options in order to make informed and responsible decisions as individuals and as part of the community.

Students will learn about the nature of business, the stock market and investing, advertising and promotion, the Australian legal system, the features of the Australian economy and its place in the global economic system.


The School Certificate Course in Drama is largely a practical course.  Students learn through practical activities, and through reflection and evaluation of what they do and experience.

Drama enables young people to develop knowledge, understanding and skills individually and collaboratively to make, perform and appreciate dramatic and theatrical works. Students take on roles as a means of exploring both familiar and unfamiliar aspects of their world while exploring the ways people react and respond to different situations, issues and ideas.

Food Technology

The study of Food Technology provides students with a broad knowledge of food properties, processing, preparation, nutritional considerations and consumption patterns. It addresses the importance of hygiene, safe working practices and legislation in relation to the production of food. Students develop food-specific skills, which can be applied in a range of contexts enabling students to produce quality food products. 

The major emphasis of the Food Technology syllabus is on students exploring food-related issues through a range of practical experiences, allowing them to make informed and appropriate choices with regard to food. Students develop the ability and confidence to design, produce and evaluate solutions to situations involving food. They learn about Work Health and Safety issues, and learn to select and use appropriate ingredients, methods and equipment safely and competently.

Please note: Whilst Food Technology is not currently offered as a face-to- face elective, with sufficient interest this subject could run in 2021. 

Industrial Technology: Timber

The Industrial Technology courses develops a student's ability for innovative and creative thought through the planning and development of design projects related to real-life needs and situations.  

Students identify needs and opportunities, research and investigate existing solutions, analyse data and information, generate, justify and evaluate ideas, and experiment with tools, materials and techniques to manage and develop design projects.  Through the development of their design projects and the analysis of the design work of others, students reflect on the impact of design on society and the environment.

The Stage 5 Industrial Technology syllabus builds upon the knowledge, skills and experiences developed in mandatory technology education of Year 7 and 8.

Information Software & Technology

Core content of the Information and Software Technology Years 7–10 Syllabus provides students with specialised knowledge of past, current and emerging technologies, data, hardware, software and people involved in the field of information and software technology.  The core also includes legal, ethical, social and industrial issues.  Students develop information and software technology solutions through project work, individually and collaboratively. 

Options provide opportunities for the contextualisation of the core and allow choices of areas of interest to be made.  Options include artificial intelligence, simulation and modelling, authoring and multimedia, database design, digital media, the Internet and website development, networking systems, robotics and automated systems, and software development and programming.  These options can be adapted to suit the needs/knowledge of each class.


Students will be guided toward an understanding of music through as wide a range of musical activities as possible.  Emphasis is placed on the development of Performance, Composition and Listening Skills through exposure to a wide variety of musical styles.

Students will continue learning, reading and playing music which reinforces various aspects of music theory and will be encouraged to specialise in performing on an instrument of their choice.  Students planning on studying Music at HSC level will benefit by studying Music as an Elective.

Students are encouraged to take part in extracurricular music programs and performances as they become available within the school.

Physical Activity & Sports Studies

This is a Board Developed Course aimed at giving students opportunities to participate in a range of sports as well as gain an understanding of the principles behind sports and exercise.

Physical Activity and Sports Studies aims to enhance students’ capacity to participate effectively in physical activity and sport, leading to improved quality of life for themselves and others.

Students engage in a wide range of physical activities in order to develop key understandings about how and why we move and how to enhance quality and enjoyment of movement.

Physical Activity & Sports Studies (PASS) will consist of 2 periods of practical and 1 period of theory per week.  Students who choose PASS in Yr 9 and Yr 10 will be at an advantage when studying the PDHPE course in Yrs 11 and 12. 

As part of the practical component of this course, students will participate in a variety of sports such as: archery, badminton, in-line hockey, kayaking, golf and tennis. 

Photographic & Digital Media

Photographic and Digital Media provides opportunities for students to enjoy making and studying a range of photographic and digital media works. 

It enables students to represent their ideas and interests about the world, to engage in contemporary forms of communication and understand and write about their contemporary world. 

Photographic and Digital Media enables students to investigate new technologies, cultural identity and the evolution of photography and digital media into the 21st century. Students are provided with opportunities to make and study photographic and digital media works in greater depth and breadth then through the Visual Arts elective course.

Students build skills in the use of Digital SLR cameras, studio lighting equipment, the Adobe Creative Suite and video imaging.

Visual Arts

Visual Arts as an elective subject can be very rewarding for both those who have a general interest in art as well as those who are artistically gifted.

The Visual Arts course consists of planned learning experiences where students make artworks inspired and informed by art from varying movements in Australia and the wider world.  Students will experience a wide variety of media, working in both 2 and 3 dimensions, drawing on diverse themes and sources for subject matter.  

Excursions beyond the classroom are essential for broadening the scope of students’ direct visual responses.  The outcomes for Visual Arts are based on students learning through practical experience.

Students build skills in drawing, painting, ceramics, digital imaging through the Adobe Creative Suite and more.

Visual Design

Visual Design provides opportunities for students to enjoy making and studying visual design artworks and to become informed about and understand and write about their contemporary world. 

It enables students to represent their ideas and interests about the world in visual design artworks and provides insights into new technologies, different cultures, and the changing nature of visual design in the 21st century. 

Students are provided with opportunities to make and study visual design artworks in greater depth and breadth than through the Visual Arts elective course.

Students build skills in designing for purpose through the Adobe Creative Suite and other software.

Textiles Technology

The study of Textiles Technology provides students with knowledge of the properties, performance and uses of textiles. They explore fabrics, yarns, fibres and colouration. Students examine the historical, cultural and contemporary perspectives on textile design and develop an appreciation of the factors affecting them as textile consumers. 

Students investigate the work of textile designers and make judgements about the appropriateness of design ideas, the selection of materials and tools, and the quality of textile items. 

Textile projects give students the opportunity to be creative, independent learners and to explore functional and aesthetic aspects of textiles.

Agricultural Technology

The study of Agricultural Technology provides students with opportunities to experience aspects of an agricultural lifestyle through direct contact with plants and animals. The study of a variety of enterprises allows students to make responsible decisions about the appropriate use of agricultural technologies. 

Students explore career opportunities in agriculture and related service industries and investigate the viability of Australian agriculture through management of issues relating to the sustainability of agricultural systems, as well as the relationships between production, processing and consumption.

Industrial Technology: Engineering

The Engineering focus area provides opportunities for students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to engineering and its associated industries.

Engineering includes content that develops knowledge and skills in the use of tools, materials and techniques related to Engineered Structures and Engineered Mechanisms.

These are enhanced and further developed through the study of specialist modules in:

Alternative Energy
Control Systems
School-Developed Module

Practical projects reflect the nature of the Engineering focus area and may include: a range of devices and appliances, electronic and mechanical control systems, programmable microcontrollers, robotics projects, small structures, small vehicles.

Marine & Aquaculture Technology

Students learn about marine and aquatic environments, water safety, general first aid and the maintenance of equipment. The economic sustainability of aquaculture and marine environments are explored, together with the preservation of wild seafood stocks. Students learn about the ethical and sustainable use, management and protection of the marine environment and a range of industries and organisations that use, manage and regulate the marine environment.

The major focus of the syllabus is on practical experiences. Students learn about Work Health and Safety issues, apply principles of water safety and first aid in marine situations. They learn to responsibly select, use and maintain materials and equipment, and use appropriate techniques in the context of the selected modules. Students learn to research, experiment and communicate in relation to marine and aquaculture activities. Other learning experiences in the course are dependent on the option modules studied.

Distance Education Electives:

Subjects such as French, Italian, Japanese and any other subject offered by the Distance Education Unit will also be available to students.

Please note, students are only allowed to choose One (1) Distance Education Elective.

Approval to study via Distance Education is subject to the Principal’s permission.

Distance Education incurs an additional cost to enrol in the Southern Cross School Of Distance Education (Typically Apx $300 per year)

Visit the site here

VET Courses

Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses contribute to the broad education of students. They have the capacity to engage and challenge students to maximise their individual talents and capabilities for further education and training and lifelong learning.

Students in NSW have the option of studying VET courses at school or through TAFE NSW or other training providers.

Students in Years 9 and 10 may access VET courses through two curriculum pathways:

Stage 5 VET Board Endorsed courses

Early commencement of Stage 6 VET courses.

VET courses incur an additional cost to families and operate offsite.

To register your interest email michelle.atherton@sccollege.nsw.edu.au