Adelante Charter School Distance Learning Plan

What does distance learning look like at Adelante?

  • Distance learning at Adelante takes place online through a learning management system (an online learning classroom or hub). It is where teachers can post and receive assignments, provide ongoing feedback to students, and communicate learning back to families. Seesaw is Adelante’s official learning management system for grades K-2, while Google Classroom is our learning management system for grades 3-6. Teachers provide both synchronous (in person Zoom) and asynchronous learning (online platforms, screencasts, videos, projects). Each grade level has a website with information for families (links below) to assist with communication. All teachers provide online as well as tech-free activities and experiences to support student learning. Specialist teachers (Art, Music, Dance and PE) also have a website with videos and other online support as well as providing weekly Zoom classes for instruction.

  • The Reading Intervention Team will provide support through small group or 1:1 Zoom meetings once students' literacy needs have been assessed.

  • Equity is central to Adelante's mission and we have worked very hard to support children and families who needed internet connection and devices for distance learning. If you need assistance or have other barriers to accessing Adelante's opportunities, please contact your student's teacher or the school office. We are here to help you!

How much time learning can I expect each day? (As directed by the California Department of Education)

  • Kindergarten - 3 hours

  • 1st-3rd grades - 3 hours 50 minutes

  • 4th -6th grades - 4 hours

How will I know if my child is on track?

  • Routine feedback will be provided to students and parents. Teachers will respond directly to questions or concerns regarding their students. Progress reports and parent conferences will happen each trimester.

What if my child receives SpecialEducation Services?

  • Special Education staff (Resource Specialist Program team, Speech, and Occupational Therapy) are in regular communication with the families they serve following guidelines about Special Education Services in a distance learning setting. The staff will provide 1:1 instruction via Zoom or following the students' IEP as closely as possible. They will work closely with general education teachers to ensure that that accommodations and modifications are followed accordingly. Additionally, IEP meetings will continue to take place remotely, via Zoom.

If you have questions about your child's services, please contact your child's case manager, Leticia Lemus (, Sheila Cullen ( or Special Education Co-Coordinator/School Psychologist: Luis Correa (

What mental health resources exist?

  • School-based counseling services are offered to students via zoom/phone calls, classroom presentations, and individual/group sessions. Additionally, parent consultations regarding a student's academic and social emotional concerns are available. Families, students or staff seeking services can contact the school office and complete a request form.

Home/School Communication

  • Most communication takes place through Parent Square. Teachers are in regular communication with families through multiple platforms, depending on what is best for each family. The school office is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00am. - 2:00pm. The Director and office staff are available by phone or email Monday - Friday. The Adelante Charter website is kept up to date with resources and information. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call. We are here to support you.

Below are links to class websites as well as PE and the arts. Whole class Zoom meetings are conducted each morning at 8:30am. and again at 12:30. Attendance is mandatory and reported to the state. Additional small group Zoom meetings and Art, Music, Dance and PE will be scheduled by the teacher.

4th Grade

Art, Music, PE, Dance