New Primary Curriculum Framework
The Primary Curriculum Framework was launched by the Minister on the 9th March 2023. This Framework is for all primary and special schools and will guide teachers and school leaders in their work to enhance learning, teaching and assessment for all children.
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) has developed the Primary Curriculum Framework through a collaborative approach, informed by research, sustained work with school communities, wide consultation and extensive deliberation. The voices from the consultation on the Framework, in particular, the voices of children, indicate the need for a curriculum that supports all children, celebrating their current childhood experiences, and preparing them for their future experiences.
The Framework sets out the vision, principles and components of a redeveloped Primary School Curriculum. It reflects our shared understanding of the many positive features of education in our primary and special schools.
Department of Education (2023) Circular letter 0017/2023
Parents guide
Primary Curriculum Framework
See information on the new primary maths curriculum here.