ELEMENTARY Playground 


Current Playgrounds

Our current Sturgeon Bay Elementary School playgrounds are 25+ years old.  Equipment is becoming very worn, parts made of wood are splintering and replacement parts are no longer being made.  Many play areas are not handicapped accessible and do not meet the needs of many students with autism or sensory processing issues.  A Playground Committee was formed by staff and parents to plan playground updates.  Renovation of the existing playgrounds was found to be very costly and would not meet the needs of all students.  Therefore, the installation of new and accessible equipment is the best way to ensure a space for all students. 

What will the new playgrounds include?

        PHASE 2:  An additional play area for our youngest students at Sawyer is also planned using additional and future   funds.

Who Does This Benefit?

What Will This Cost?

Thank you for your consideration of this project to make Sturgeon Bay Schools an even better place for our local children and community and a positive location for working families to live and work. 

Here is a brief overview of the design concepts:

(Phase 1)