What We Do

Elementary School

In elementary we explore many mediums, techniques, and artists. We have a strong focus on inserting literacy standards throughout our elementary art program so whether it includes reading stories about famous artists, using fiction to support brain storming and creativity, or learning from the best illustrators in the business, our students get to explore, create, and innovate through a variety of engaging media.

Middle School

In middle school through cycle based experiences, we have the incredible opportunity to dive deep into creative careers. Middle school students learn to collaborate, create, and innovate while picking up skills they can apply to real world careers. So far, we've been diving into interior design, architecture, surf board design, printmaking, pottery, and optical illusions. Stay tuned for more exciting opportunities reserved only for our Shrewsbury students!

7th grade students learn from Johnny Borbone, engineer, surfboard designer, and entrepreneur about the art and business of surf board creation.